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NotStan said:
That's funny, the guy at GAME the other day - like yesterday actually was assuring the customer that GAME will be there for a long time, "They've said that we're going under 8 months ago.. and well, we're still here, so don't worry" those were his exact words, ironic that it's official that they're closing less than 24 hours later.

Same thing happened to me the day after I found out they weren't going to stock Mass Effect 3. Went in the cash-in a £25 gift voucher and after commenting that I was doing it before they went bust, he said due to Game's position in the market, GAME not stocking Mass Effect 3 was more likely to cause EA to go bankrupt. 

A few weeks later I went back to cash in my last few loyalty points (by now the company was about a week or 2 from administration). Coincidentally, he served me again and I was tempted to ask him if he still thought it was EA who were more likely to go broke (especially after all of GAME's pre-oreders went straight to other stores and Mass Effect 3 had before first week sales than the first two games combined). I resisted the urge as I didn't feel in the mood for provoking a pointless arguement.