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1. This thread used to be the "Tablets will replace decicated Home Consoles" thread.

2. Read the bolded and underlined in the topic below.

3. Look at the following 60+ responses.

4. All of those were pre-April Fooled.

5. Hide in shame.


That is right, you are hearing it here first, in the following decade, tablets are going to grow considerably, while dedicated home consoles are going to face a pretty abrupt decline, almost getting to the realm of irrelevance.

It's no surprise that iPad and many other tablets are taking over the portable market, gathering the more casual audience, without ignoring the more core oriented gamers, the gaming library is expanding considerably and many well known developers like Capcom, Epic Games, Ubisoft, Square Enix among many others, are already giving the tablets support that even matches their games on the 360 or the PS3. In the sales front, consoles sell just passable, while tablets continue to sell in record speeds, what's more, they become more profitable every time, and are far more functional. Home consoles are looking to have a pretty grim future.

The upcoming WiiU is clearly trying to target that audience, without realizing that it's not the games but the wide multimedia support that makes the iPad such a wonderful choice for buyers. While games like Inifity Blade or Chaos Rings series are getting more relevant every time. It's just a matter of time until developers put their biggest games on the App Store, and with much better and afforidable price tags, people are easily going to pick those versions.

Another very big factor that will easily help the iPad's eventual overtaking of the home console market is the power and resolution that the small machine has. The iPad has a much higher resolution than most TVs, ever, and much higher than the one in Vita or 3DS, why would core gamers pick a inferior version of the same game? It's a terrible choice, and developers will also opt for the more profitable choice. Developers will clearly cut profit per sale, but increase the sales radically, Angry Birds Rio sold well over 10 million in it's first week on the market, and the series is now over 500 Million Lifetime, skyrocketing Rovio to success that even Nintendo can't dream of, no game will ever match Angry Bird's success, also, this thread was only to prove if people actually read the topics, if you are reading this, I didn't mean anything that I wrote here, congrats, you are one of the few people that reads the threads, you should be proud, and with that opportunity to grow considerably, I highly doubt anyone would want to go to the more risky and less profitable retail release, we all know many developers had to give up for lack of sales, while the App Store only helped developers in the line of death have a massive comeback and become very, very successful.

WiiU is very likely going to bomb comercially, and that is not to blame on Nintendo, but in Apple, only them can creat a product that versatile than can appeal to casuals and core gamers in a way no one can, it's incredible someone can add so much to the industry, and kill and business that has been living for years, we should applaud Apple for their incredible efford and dedication. Not even Nintendo has done so much for the industry, Apple and iPad are here to stay, wether many people like that or not, and it's a shame many people will not accept that tablet's superiority.

So what do you think? Will Apple and iPad eventually overtake Nintendo and others? Will they put competitors out of business? Post your opinions here.