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I think a lot of the recent or soon to be releases of big franchise games are way over hyped (Halo 3, SMG, SSBB included) I dont know about SSBB, but these other "BIG" games were really just rehashes of the franchise.

Yes, even SMG with its "revolutionary" physics system (sad to say, this isnt the first time a game has messed with physics like that) Halo 3 did in fact turn out to be a polished up Halo 2. SSBB so far seems the same game, different name.

Basic thing is this: these are big franchises, and they hype the hell out of them because they know just by having the name and hyping them, it will sell units. Simple as that. Maybe MGS will be a great game, i dont know. Personally i never felt the previous installments were all that great, but hey they are hyping it because they believe it will sell units.

You could say its like Killzone 2. I know very few people that believe the first one was such a great and incredible game, yet for some reason sony is hyping it like crazy and people cream in their pants to look at it.