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Stefl1504 said:
I don't really get it why someone should 'restructure' if they don't even plan to get rid of useless management positions, but rather adding a few of them so that they have to pay more in the high-paid-staff section, or maybe am I misinterpreting that and they plan to add those employees to the middle-management section?

It also doesn't hurt that the president directly oversees the business strategy (for what is he called president if he only delegates :/)

Also, they probably should restructure their PR-division, I want incentives for being a Sony fan, since PS1! (something like the Blu-Ray Sony sent me when I registered my PS3 in week one after its release! - tough the Movie on it was crap (007-Casino Royale))

Look, the problem with Playstation the past many years is sole accountability to one man.

One person cannot make all the decisions for all of Playstation.

You need one person to have several directors that report to him all capable of making management decisions. Then each of those have their own subordinates making decisions for each branch. Every head should be able to make the right decisions and break up the work among more people. Basically, each had is a visionary. Each visionary is hired by the president based on his own vision.

Breaking up vita and playstation is a smart move because it allows more focus to be given on each. One person simply cannot run both effectively.