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Um, the 360 COULD do things that the previous gen couldn't. The PS3 and the 360 are BOTH replacements for previous gen systems and BOTH are current gen(since both are now out). Was the Genesis psudo-next gen while the SNES next-gen due to the SNES's larger color palette and advanced audio processor?

Keep in mind that those are two separate Naruto games made by different dev teams. Also keep in mind that the PS3 game isn't out yet and may be using some new shader techniques that could just as easily work on the 360, had they been available during the development of said game.

Also keep in mind that while the 360 has been out longer, it was also the first system devs had to cut their teeth on and a good chunk of its early games were essentially previous-gen ports. Devs learned techniques on the 360 that could be used for PS3 games as well.