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spurgeonryan said:
superchunk said:
I don't understand why so many of you are hung up on Wii's power levels over HDTwins. If you read my comparison thread, you'll easily know that it will be noticeably superior to PS360 and within comparison to their successors.

E3 will be such a defining moment.

I agree that it seems like Nintendo is just laughing at everyone as people try to push and pull information that just is not there yet. Like me!

Perhaps it's all part of their master plan...

Show games at E3 '11 that look simple graphically (Chase Mii, etc.) to lead the competition into a false sense of security as to what to prepare for.  Then at E3 '12 come out all guns blazing with what the hardware can really do.

Pretty much the same thing they did with the 3DS at $250 to force Vita into strategic pricing only to lower the price later knowing Sony couldn't at that point.  They're geniuses, I tell you!