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For the Trayvon Martin case...

I'd say it sounds like a pretty shitty case for self defense, so the guy should be looking at charges however 90% of what i've read has seem to have been discounted at later dates.

Don't think there is really any room for "Self reflection".... yet.

Though people hate to do this... the smart thing to do would be to wait two months... wait for all the facts to be settled and THEN protest if nothing has been done.

People are taking this as an open and close racist white guy shoots black kid and racist cops let it go...

even though the guy who shot him is half Hispanic... and from pictures looks noticeably Hispanic.

Not saying that can't be an aspect, but it seems a lot more complicated then that, especially considering the guy's general background which apparently included tutoring black children.

If I was going to jump to any conclusion it would be that he was a crazy overzealous wanna be cop who probably grabbed the kid, got his face knocked in a bit then shot the kid. Which he should go to jail over, but really that's a whole different argument and national discourse if that's what happened.