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RolStoppable said:
DanneSandin said:
HernanDRS said:

Hey guys, for those who are not good at math, 50% and 2x may be actually the same. The words around them makes the difference:

Xbox 360: 100% the power, lets say 100 Teraflops.
Wii U: 50% MORE powerful, it is going to be 200 Teraflops(not 150 Teraflops).
Wii U 2x the power, still, 200 Teraflops(people often understand this sentence as 200 Teraflops).

Let me explain:

50% MORE powerful, means that we have 100 Teraflops as the base power, we need to divide / with 50%(PER CENT) and we get 200 Teraflops. Do the math in any calc and you will see.

2x The power, you only need to take the 100 Teraflops, multiply with 2, and you get 200 Teraflops.

¿Why it is not 150 Teraflops?

It is because 50 Teraflops, is not the real 50% diference between the base 100 Teraflops of the Xbox 360 an the "what we believed" future Wii U 150 Teraflops. The diference between 100 and 150 is only 33%, you need to take the 100 Teraflops of the Xbox 360 and divide it with 67%(PER CENT) in your calc and you will get 149.xxxxx, a number very close to 150.


And i voted for the "Who cares" option in the poll.

I'm too drunk to understand....

It's not hard to understand. Saying that something is twice as powerful as something else means that it is 100 % more powerful.

If the base level is 100 and you add 50 % (multiply by 1.5), you get 150. If the base level is 100 and you add 100 % (multiply by 2), you get 200.

So what you read above is either a longwinded joke or the result of a lacking educational system.

You fell in the mistake most of people do. You said "If you add 50%". When you add 50% of power, you are not twice as powerful. If you say it is 50% more powerful, it is twice the power. It is similar when you are charged for taxes and when the merchant add his share for profit:

If you buy something for 80 dollars, you want a profit of 20% and you pay a tax of 20%, you will be selling it at 120 dollars.


The product cost me 80 dollars, i want to sell it with a profit of 20%, you dont add 1.20(Youll get, 96 dollars). You divide 80 dollars for 80%(the other 20% is your profit), and you get the final price of 100 dollars.

The product costs 100 dollars, it has a tax of 20%, you will get a final price of 120 dollars cause you ADD them, you multiply it for 1.2.



When you say it is 50% more powerful, you get that something is 100% as the base, the other one is twice the power, 200%. Out of 200, 100 is the 50%(base) and the other 100 is the 50%(more powerful).