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Just stumbled on this thread. For future reference:

Kicking someone above the height of your opponent's knee is a bad idea. Too easy to block and if he has any sort of decent reactions it's quite easy to catch the foot.If you draw a line down the middle of someone's body you have several weaknesses that can be exploited - the forehead, eyes, nose, middle of the chest, solar plexus and the family jewels.

At the back you have the kidneys and base of the spine. I saved a friend's life several years ago by using a kidney punch on his attacker who was armed with a broken bottle. He had been attacked by said bottle, nicking his carotid artery and was standing over my mate trying to finish the job. One punch in the kidney will put anyone down, doesn't matter how big, muscular or fit they are.

If at some point you're facing an opponent with a weapon there's a very handy pressure point that opens you hand when pressed, it's just below your elbow. This is also essential to use if someone is irresponsible enough to try a 'sleeper'.

Lastly, there's no 'honour' in fighting unless you're fighting in a ring or martial arts competition with a referee and rules. Otherwise anything goes. Forget about honour, it's survival you need to worry about. Next time if you must do something so stupid make sure you meet in a ring with the Marquis of Queensbury Rules or fight dirty in the street.