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The cheapest food in the US also happens to be some of the most unhealthy food. Fast food, junk food, soda, candy, it's all very cheap & seems to provide the most calorie bang for the buck. The major government farm subsidies go towards growing corn, which ends up making corn syrup, corn chips, and other corn crap. Companies love making highly processed foods which can last on shelves for years without going bad, it helps the bottom line if the food doesn't go bad. If our govt actually cared about the population, more subsidies would go towards growing leafy green vegetables & fruits. If our govt actually cared about helping poor populations, they would subsidize farmers markets and vegetable stands in poor communities. Areas of low income are commonly known as "nutritional deserts", where it can be nearly impossible to even find a vegetable. There's also a total lack of nutritional education in our schools. The funny thing is, if the govt actually improved on these areas, it would probably save our country billions of dollars in unnecessary healthcare costs, which mainly deal with diseases and problems arising from people eating horribly.