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KungKras said:

It must take a very closed mind to NOT accept evolution as a proven fact.

wow. where is all of this cold hard eveidence than? Fact is evolution is still not a fact. Let alone a proven fact. It is just the only viable theory we have on how life came to be, but it is most certainly not a proven fact. Yes there is evedence for it, but to be a proven fact it takes more than evidence. It has to be undeniable and overwhelming eveidnece or reproducable in a controlled enviroment. which we do not have yet. Its very closed minded to take snippets of information and form a "fact" from it that you can not prove.


EDIT: I do believe in evoltion myself so i am not going to argue against it. But i do realize there are some holes in it, and it isn't reproducable in a lab experiment as far as i know.