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thetonestarr said:
snakenobi said:
thetonestarr said:

B+. Heavily held back by HDD speed. Recommend tossing on a 128GB SSD to install the system and frequently used programs onto, then use the HDD for less frequently used programs and all storage.

i don't use anything big frequently so the SSD system drive won't make much use here


I would like faster drive but for all things in my computer not jst programs

till then i might use SSD SRT solution for Z68 motherboards

First, if you have any possible reason to need the rest of the power in that system, then you 100% have a ton of use for a SSD. There is absolutely never a situation in the world in which you'd need that CPU, GPU, and RAM and not benefit massively from a SSD.

Second, regardless of what you're doing anyways, absolutely anybody and everybody's system would benefit tremendously from having a SSD.

More recently, I've not run anything much outside of WMP, Firefox, Photoshop, and Minecraft on my PC and even with just those programs, I see worlds of differences achieved by having a SSD. If you're running anything more complicated and data intensive than those programs, then I guarantee you that you're going to see massive improvements from using a SSD.

And unless you plan to be frequently organizing and reorganizing hundreds of gigabytes of videos or whathaveyou, there is absolutely zero need whatsoever to have a faster drive "for all things in your computer not just programs", so a 128GB (or MAYBE 256GB, if you expect to have a shit-ton of programs) is absolutely more than necessary. I have my system on a 64GB, and everything installs onto it, and it's still enough, so I really can't think of any reason you'd need anything bigger than a 128GB unless you're planning to be able to be a lazy unorganized piece of trash.


My system is a couple years old, but I'm running on an AMD Phenom 2 X4 quad-core 3.0GHz, 8GB RAM, 4TB of HDD space (currently about 2/3 full), and an outdated videocard that I'm working on replacing. I most certainly have a lot that's gone on in this system, and a lot that goes on outside of the SSD. But if you organize the system right, there's absolutely no reason ever that the size of the SSD would hold you back.

SSD only makes a difference for the programs that are on it


if i use an SSD for system dive and programs


it won't affect the 1080p 17mbps bit rate HD files i have on my PC


I will try the SSD SRT solution though


i will try to get 1tb os SSD next year though for my system drive