zero129 said:
yo_john117 said:
zero129 said:
yo_john117 said:
zero129 said:
Its definitely solar system. And we don't even know if the explosion from the Mass Relay in the Sol System (Earth) would actually destroy Earth since the Mass Relay is so very far away from Earth and not every Solar System is the same size so just because it destroyed the solar system in the Arrival DLC doesn't mean the Mass Relay will destroy Earth (this is also directed at Mr. Zero)
Well i guess none of this really matters now :D, come april we will be getting the real ending, or so it seems :D.
I am rather excited to see what they have in store. Honestly I think it was Bioware's intention to have DLC that added on to the end of ME3 (much like Arrivals added to the ending of ME2) right from the beginning....they just didn't expect people to go bonkers over the current ending.
I just hope they don't mess it up or add more fual to the fire lol :D. But i agree i think they had this planed too, i guess it's why they said to "hold onto you're copy of ME3 after you beat it, cos we have some big things in store for you" :D. But on the other hand i think they might of planed for people to go haywire over the current ending, free coverage and all that. think about it look how many times ME3 has made front page on many sites over this??. I also think the DLC they will give in april might be free (I don't mind paying for it if i have to), but i think if they charge for it, it might just add more fual to the fire like the from ashes DLC did, and then the ending. Where is if they give it free to many people they will be redeeming themselfs. But for me if they just let me fight a boss charactor in an epic battle, give me more then 3 choices for an ending depending on more of the choices i mate, and the war assets i've collected, i will be happy even if it does cost me some money. But some people might not see it like that, and might thing the contend was removed just to charge for it later
I think they were originally going to charge for the DLC (because it's EA) but now there's a chance it could be free...although I'm still not sure simply because EA are greedy grubbers.
I doubt they planned for so many people to get angry at them because of the ending. Bad publicity is never a good thing.
I guess that's true about bad publicity. And you're also right about EA, i think they where originaly going to charge for it, but with the shitstorm from the Day1 DLC, and then the even bigger one from the ending, i think they might try to turn it into good publicity by offering it free. But then like you said this is EA we are talking about so the is still a good chance they might still charge for it. Whatever they do i will be happy just to find out, why my crew was on the normandy, how sharped survived the fall and is still alive (So it seems), and a nice big boss fight :D. The is more stuff id like but my brain is not fully functioning atm (Intoxinated) lol :D.
xD I could've been calling Shephard "sharped" all night