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Kasz216 said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Left 4 Dead.

Say do they have any minmium and recommended specs for that up? I'm guessing i'm going to have to get a new graphic card, because while I just got this computer right before X-mas the graphic card somewhat sucks as i had to get an emergency prebuilt CPU. Then again i don't care about lowering the settings as a game could have N64 level graphics and i wouldn't care. Probabaly will want some extra ram.

Stupid cheap(yet expensive) emergency computer.

 What video card do you have and how much Ram do you have?  There is a good chance what you have will suffice since source engine games have always been very good about specs not being outrageous. 



Left 4 Dead, Brothers in Arms, Assassin's Creed


PS - L4D should seriouisly be on the PC list, I like the idea for the thread but you've gotta do a bit more research before you post these.

To Each Man, Responsibility