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Looks like he didn't get the co-op interaction this game offers. Maybe just unlucky on who he met or was simply ignoring everyone to get the review done asap.

I completed my 9th Journey last night which almost lasted 4 hours. We were expertly keeping each other in the air without touching the ground for over 20 minutes at a time, reaching new heights and places we had not been before and probably weren't meant to be. We found some shortcuts and a secret passage in the underground level were the first patrolling stone kite is.

Behind a high up window there was a new area with a suspended stone kite. We tried landing on it but it through us on the ground in the dark depths. We were lost in there for a good half hour flying around in the dark almost hypnotized by the rhythmic dinging and bright white flashes while dancing around in the air. Finally we spotted the stone kite again and had some direction where find the window where we came in. It took another 15 minutes to figure out a way to reach that height again to land on the window ledge and get back in the official level,

We continued flying to the exit, relieved to be out in familiar territory again. But while flying over the stone kits at the chase scene something went wrong. They gave chase and I tried to follow as fast as possible. The last I saw of my companion was his cloak dissolving at the edge of the safe zone. I've never felt so alone in a video game after that. The game play in Journey may be simple but absolutely brilliant.

I trudged along to the end by myself determined to find out his/her name to be able to send a message to find out what happened. This is the first game that has ever compelled me to contact a total stranger. And for the second time already. After a previous journey I received a message in Japanese that intrigued me even more after understanding each other perfectly in game.

Anyway out of 9 journeys all have been different and rewarding experiences. The final trophy "don't play for a week" will be the hardest to get. I'll be playing again tonight to find out who I'll encounter this time and what they will do.