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Now on to part two... differences between the races.

Outside physical differences, they're all garbage and either related to socio-economic or cultural things.

Black people as a whole aren't "dumber". They are however, more likely to be born poor and have parents who were poor. Poor people on average are less likely to receive proper nutrients as a kid, as are there parents when they were kids (which matters oddly new studies show). They're also more likely to be in poor school systems, and culturally they are told that school "isn't cool" and "isn't black" and most of the black rich people they see are athletes and rappers so they kinda get nudged out of intellectual pursuits.

Asian people aren't "smarter". That again is culturally based. The "Asians are good at math" stereotype is actually linguistically based. In English our number system goes One two three four, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen.

In China there numbers go "One, Two, Three, Four, Ten one, Ten two, Ten three. They have a linguistic advantage. Asian children who speak English as a first language don't have the same advantages in math that their relatives from Asia do. Though Asians may study harder, again due to culture. If you want to read something messed up... read about Asian schools, and tutors.

Jews? Jews have pretty much always been marginalized in society. As such they were always pushed towards the "undesirable" jobs. Those undesirable jobs, actually ended up being the jobs that later required intelligence and later became HUGE money makers. They got pushed towards banking, then banking became REALLY important. They got pushed into sewing and tailoring, then inventions made it so everyone bought mass produced clothes rather then make there own. Jews ironically were discriminated into success.

It's why it's hilarious when you here anyone whine about a "Jewish banking conspiracy".


Why are white people "balanced"?  Well the above post... White people "took over" the world and became the default.