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Joelcool7 said:

Am I the only one who isn't hoping for a next DS?


I want a new GameBoy I like the DS but even today so absolutely no reason for two screens. I would much rather have a single PSP sized touch screen and PSP style graphics or better. 

Give me a handheld GameCube with touch screen capabilities , MP3 playback and some movie content to download and I will be set my ideal next gen GameBoy will have!

-An HD-Touch Screen about the size of the PSP

-1 or 2 gig of internal memory 

-use Flash cards for DS play (Flip console side ways to play dual screen games

-MP3 and MPEG playback

-An actual analog stick like the GameCube's not the crap Sony gave PSP gamers

- 128-Bit graphics or better

- A sleak GameBoy Advance style design PSP is too Ipod! 

- No more friend codes required for almost everything, a revamped Wifi network

- Nintendo Channels on it, Some Virtual Console , weather network ...etc...etc.. for gamers on the go!


Fact is the DS was supposed to be the revolutionary portable console. But as revolutionary as it was the dual screens aren't neccessary. Today I play DS mostly at home and most games only use one of the screens anyways with the second screen used for menu's and such I see no reason for the dual screens.


Gimme a kick as touch screened GameBoy:Evolution, no more dual screens. I love my DS and PSP has shit for games but Nintendo power may not be everything but it sure makes games better! 

I thought the same thing until I bought a DS... There so many things nintendo could not have done w/o the 2 screens. Remember, originally the DS was supposed to be the third piller. I think the DS was originally just supposed to be for "casual" type games with some games that could use the touch screen thrown in. Now it has evloved into so much more.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut