zero129 said:
yo_john117 said:
zero129 said:
yo_john117 said: Christ people on the internet blow things out of proportions so bad. The ending was just fine and better than most videogame endings....not to mention the rest of the game was/is completely awesome. I wonder what game people will find to cry and whine at next after this whole ME3 ending thing blows over. |
You really think the ending was fine??, just becos you have ME pictures as you're sig and profile pic i still don't think you're a real fan. If you where you would see all the loop holes in the ending, you would see how all the choices we where promised never even made it into the game (And this promises where made just a 1-2 months before the games release). Bioware where the ones who blew this out of proportion, not us fans. As they where the ones saying we won't only give you an a,b,c choice for the ending, the ending will mean something to the choices you make etc. Yes what do they do??, give us an a,b,c ending that's all pretty much the same...
See that's all of your problem. NEVER LISTEN TO DEVS. PERIOD. I've given up listening to devs a long, long time ago because their games virtually never come even close to having the things they promised and if you listen to them and actually think what they promise is going to happen you will be disappointed. Once again, NEVER LISTEN TO DEVS. I cannot stress how important that is.
Regarding loop holes. I know they are there (although they didn't really cross my mind until people pointed them out). But other than being slightly annoying it's not a big deal at all. Plenty of TV shows and games have loop holes. Take for instance Dr. Who, which is one of my favorite TV shows, has many loopholes but that doesn't stop it from being completely awesome. Halo games also have a few loopholes but I still love those game. And I've noticed a lot of people mistaking lack of explaining about things in the ending of ME3 as a's not.
As for choices please explain to me how exactly your choices could honestly effect the ending that much? Either way the Reapers have to be stopped and the galaxy needs to be saved...and there aren't very many ways of how that would be possible. So really the 3 endings thing make the most sense. Your choices in previous games and ME3 effected what happened in the meat of the campaign (and it shows in how you gather forces in ME3).
Really the only thing I wish could be changed in the endings is some more explanation/detail. Overall the ending is better than most other video game endings I have seen.
That would be all well and good near the start of development etc, when they are promising this and that. But when the game is finished (And they said it was finished 3 months before release), to promise such things is just false lies, and imo was done to troll fans.
It could of effect the ending alot. instead they choose to give you 3 options that all have the one outcome, i mean do you really think shaped would pick to destory the mass relays knowing all them other races etc would be trapped in sol?. Why didn't they give us an option to save the mass relays etc??. why would you're crew be running away??. Anyway imo Shaped is knocked out after being hit with the beam. That's why in the good ending you see him breathing, and bioware will give us the rest of the game in an expension pack, Not dlc i hope. as i wouldn't mind paying for an expension pack, but i would be pissed if i had to pay for dlc with the real ending in it.
Like I said. It doesn't matter when or how they promise things in a just never listen to them. That should be one of the cardinal rules of gaming.
And really all of what you did in all 3 ME games boiled down to 1 thing in ME3...saving humanity and other races from getting destroyed by the Reapers. There just isn't a whole lot of room for choice there. Really all they could have done is add a few small things in some of those cutscenes that showed the impact of your choices in the games.
I could have sworn that at least one of the options wouldn't destroy the Mass Relays. As for the crew running away...well I'm not sure. (that could be one of the plot holes or it could be a use your imagination and fill in the blanks) I imagine Bioware made it that way to give a dramatic effect to the end.