zero129 said:
Trust me, as a long time Mass Effect fan, it is that bad. But what makes it wworse was all the lies they told less then 2 months before the games release, go back a page or 2 and you can see some of them that i posted here. such as the game won't have an A,B,C ending, The game will Answer all questions that was left un-answerd, it will finish the story, the players choice will play a big role in the ending etc. Except they gave us an a,b,c ending (even if the 3 ending are pretty much the same), and our choices had no impact on the ending, the was more questions left un-asnwerd at the end then at the start of the game. so to any ME fan i think it goes down as one of the worst endings in video game history. |
I guess I'll just have to play it myself to find out. I still don't think I'll get angry enough to demand a refund like these people are. It isn't like Bioware was under a contract to provide the players everything they want, so Bioware haven't wronged them. These people should just be disappointed with Bioware, not demand their money back as if Bioware owed it to them.