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ChronotriggerJM said:
HappySqurriel said:
ChronotriggerJM said:
weezy said:
Chrono cant accept 360 graphics are =/> ps3 right now.

Overall(like ive said for a year)

2009 is when the ps3 will shine

LOL you'd be surprised by what I can accept ^_^ when the 360 puts out a game that can't be equaled on the PS3 I'll gladly "accept" it. But I have a feeling I'll be waiting a while :) I'd say the graphics are and have been shining since 2007 xD

And your right, 360 graphics aren't "equal" to the PS3 ones, they're technically worse lol.

It is very telling that many/most cross platform games look almost identical on both systems except they have framerate problems on the PS3 ... Not exactly something you would see if the PS3 was dramatically more powerful than the XBox 360

 I'd almost agree with this statement if the PS3 wasn't horrible to program for xD. In a term of graphical prowress, you can't really compare multi-platform titles as is the case you can't optimize properly for either. I'm talking the meat of the conversation! Exclusives ^^. You can't say that one console has better graphics, when a game featured on the opposition has better than anything your console has produced to date :P. We weren't talking about which was easier to program for, just which had better graphics :P and the PS3 does indeed have better graphics.

In my opinion, a lot of the reason why the PS3 has a reputation for being so difficult to program for is that a lot of developers are not willing to accept a fundimental rule of parallel processing ... When you're working on a distributed system, the more parallel units of work you divide your algorithm into the more processing power is wasted due to idle time.

Games like Lair had all of their game assets designed (and their levels built) under an assumption that they would be able to get a decent level of performance from all of the SPEs at the same time; as development continued and they started to see massive ammounts of processing power wasted to idle time the developers probably (foolishly) assumed that they could optimize the systems performance using a profiler. They probably wasted weeks (or months) of development time trying to balance the processing load more evenly across all of the SPEs only to find themself trapped at the same basic performance level.

Many of the best developers in the world have tried to push the PS3 as hard as they can and yet we haven't seen anything that demonstrates that it can achieve performance levels that you (and many PS3 fans) expect.