Interesting read. Since PS3 sold about 8-9m in its first year, I don't see it doubling its sales output to 16m+ in its 2nd year. I would think there would be a more marginal increase to about 10-12m.
Guess we'll see as the year ends. The obvious reasons I could be far off are:
1. completely underestimating the demand for the games you listed. However, taking how halo3 only gave the 360 a relatively short lived boost, I don't see any of those games doing much more than that.
2. sony's ability to put the price to near $200 levels this year. In the first year we essentially saw a $100 price cut. If they can do say a $150 price cut, and the 40g continues to be received much higher than the 20g did, then the ps3's sales could very well be higher than I am imagining. Still think that even with this we won't see more than 14m sold this year.