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I'm curious...

What are ull's Battle Subway teams to farm up so Battle Points?

My Singles team is:

Machamp (M) @ Lum Berry
No Guard / Adamant / Likes To Run
HP 28 / Att 26 / Def 18 / SpA 8 / SpD 21 / Spe 30
252 Att / 160 Spe / 98 HP
Bullet Punch
Ice Punch
Stone Edge

Tyranitar (M) @ Choice Scarf
Sand Stream / Jolly / Somewhat Of A Clown
HP 24 / Att 26 / Def 16 / SpA 14 / SpD 20 / Spe 28
252 Att / 252 Spe / 6 HP
Stone Edge

Garchomp (M) @ Life Orb
Sand Veil / Jolly / Likes to Thrash About
HP 22 / Att 31 / Def 21 / SpA 4 / SpD 16 / Spe 29
252 Atk / 252 Spd / 6 HP
Swords Dance
Fire Fang

Record: 78 Battles

Lost to a Chocie Scarf Nidoking that crit Earthquake me 3 times in a row.......



Recently started a Doubles team as well:

Tornadus (M) @ Flying Gem
Prankster / Adamant / Alert To Sounds
HP 22 / Att 28 / Def 16 / SpA 7 / SpD 16 / Spe 31
252 Att / 252 Spe / 6 HP
Brick Break

Chandelure (F) @ Focus Sash
Flash Fire / Modest / Mischievous
HP 21 / Att 4 / Def 4 / SpA 31 / SpD 22 / Spe 30
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 6 HP
Trick Room
Shadow Ball
Heat Wave

Jellicent (M) @ Water Gem
Water Absorb / Modest / Mischievous
HP 26 / Att 8 / Def 11/ SpA 31/ SpD 16 / Spe 21
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 6 HP
Ice Beam
Shadow Ball
Water Spout

Terrakion @ Life Orb
Justified / Jolly / Alert To Sounds
HP 25 / Att 29 / Def 21 / SpA 8 / SpD 22 / Spe 31
252 Att / 252 Spe / 6 HP
Quick Attack
Rock Slide
Close Combat


Record: 35 Battles

Chandelure's Heat Wave and Terrakion's Rock Slide misses are the death of me......

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)