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JazzB1987 said:

Yeah I also think we can at least say  WiiU is 2x the power of the 360. 5x is a bit to much and everyone saying its only 50% more powerful is dreaming IMHO.  I mean PS3 and 360 are constantly running at crappy 1024x576 and stuff like that and WiiU is supposed to run at real 1080p. Plus it has newer tech with newer effects etc which is also saving some power to get similar results.

About your CPU thing are you sure about that? I know PC technology is not exactly like console tech  and of cource Intel is not IBM but my 2008 2x3.16 GHZ Intel C2D E8500  is exactly as fast as my 2011 lower clocked 2x2,66  Intel core i3 390m Laptop CPU and thats 3 years difference and not to forget DESKTOP vs MOBILE CPU. Don't you think you are underestimating the CPU a bit? 

BTW Do you know what it costs to make a 360 or any other console etc? Is there a site listing stuff like that including comparisons between what does it cost to make XY in 2009 vs 2010 vs 2011 etc?

The only "industry rumour" I heard says that MS makes $115 from a $300 XBox360 sale. Now this does not make much sense for Europe, as you note that X360s sell at much lower prices in Europe than in the States. I'd guess the manufacturing costs for the initial batches of Slims were indeed in the $180 ballpark (processor yields) and are now in the $150 ballpark (-better yields, +higher labour costs). But I don't really care much.

As for processors: it is difficult to increase performance with each new generation. Every generation is designed using the latest tricks, and at some point, you are running out of new tricks. So your "net gain" in performance is 10% here, 10% there, nut never double or triple the old one. At some point, you hit a wall with your clock rates and tricks.  It is absolutely impossible to make a console processor with 5 times the performance of the PS360 processor, as these processors already have hit design walls.

Also Nintendo does not manufacture consoles with top-notch technology in mind. They design consoles with "interface ideas" (WiiMote, WiiU tablet...) and design the hardware to be able to just do those tricks, not outperfom other stuff. For what the WiiU promises, a CPU 50% better than a PS360 CPU (in combination with a custom GPU in the AMD 5570 ballpark) is good enough.