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drkohler said:
Joelcool7 said:
Not to mention if WiiU is capable of 5x the power of 360 as some have suggested then a 6x the power system is not going to have the edge over Nintendo.

My bet was Nextbox launching late 2012 at 399$-450$ at 6x the power and Kinect 2.0 plus the tablet controller. Microsoft would be selling the hardware at up to a 100$ loss.

The WiiU isn't going to be 5x the power of anXBox360/PS3, not even close. A reasonable estimate is an AMD5570 variant GPU (roughly twice as fast as the XBox GPU) and a quad core CPU (roughly 50% more efficient than the XBox CPU). Then again, the WiiU has to do more than the XBox360 (driving more and possibly bigger screens) so I figure the WiiU will turn out to have roughly 30%-40% more computing power than an XBox360/PS3. These rough estimates may be against people's wishes but price/size of a console dictate performance and the WiiU box seems to be smaller than an XBox360/PS3...

Every compnent in a WiiU is more expensive than the XBox360/PS3 counterpart so an initial price below $300 is wishful thinking. Since Nintendo is alone this fall in the "next NextGen" console race, I wouldn't be surprised to see an initial price of $450 (if only to recoup development costs while there is no competition around).

GPU and CPU that are much more powerful than those used in PS3 and Xbox360 don't cost much more than those. And there are other tech-specs just as important (like RAM-Size, eDRAM-Size, BUS-Speed and so on). The Wii U could be easily 5x power of the Xbox360 without a high price.

There was this article from ign about the power of the Xbox3 about 6 x Xbox360 and WiiU 5 x Xbox360. And they said this information rely on "insiders". And this was before the reported performance boost for the WIi U-Dev Kits in January.