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drkohler said:

Every compnent in a WiiU is more expensive than the XBox360/PS3 counterpart so an initial price below $300 is wishful thinking. Since Nintendo is alone this fall in the "next NextGen" console race, I wouldn't be surprised to see an initial price of $450 (if only to recoup development costs while there is no competition around).

No way is it going to be that expensive...

You have to remember that just because WiiU will be the only next-gen console on the market this year, it's still competing with the PS360 for consumer's money.  Add the fact that, while WiiU will certainly feature some nice tech, it's still not as expensive for 2012 as Xbox360/PS3 tech was for 2005/2006, respectively.  And Nintendo cannot squander their lead with an overly expensive console, nor will they undergo another 3DS price debacle (hopefully).

In any case, you can pretty much bank on a $299 to $349 price range, with a less than 5% chance of a $399 price.  And there is absolutely zero chance of any higher than that.