JazzB1987 said:
You can't just add YOU here to make it look like I was talking with a specific person or group participating in the thread. I was just saying "fanboys dont be proud" and "fanboys chill" in case fanboys appear and want to go bananas over the AWARD thing. Not to forget this would only work if someone considers himself/herself a fanboy and thus feels like I was talking to him/her otherwhise noone would feel adressed/spoken to (does adressed work here? i dunno) . So if someone is a fanboy and feels my comment was directed to him/her there is no problem at all because the person sees him/herself as a fanboy. Other people were not meant at all. Again my initial post missed one S and made it look like i was calling the OP fanboy And o_O.Q quoted me and missunderstood before I corrected my post and added the missing S (sry for that its like the "eats, shoots and leaves" thing xD)
srry you was supose to be outside the quotations. i thought i corrected it.
it's ok, but if a mod would have spoted your error before you corrected it, you would have likely been moderated for flaming or something like that.