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ME3 is my only game of March but I'm not even sure I will get the plat before DMC HD collection comes out...
After close to two weeks I still have only played 8-9 hours in the campaign...

And 5 millions co-op hours.... So addicting, and I still don't have most of the weapons I want ( gimme a Black Widow and a Paladin and gimme piercing mod for sniper riffles..)..
Have only beat 3 gold maps too, few people want to play gold these days , especially since the patch made Geth Gold missions harder... So I spend my time playing Bronze from lvl 1 to 15 and then silver from 15 to 20..
Silver is challenging , Bronze is a little too easy although most of the Bronze games are with low levels so they can still be challenging, especially when people quit in the middle of the game..
I played a bunch of Gold Cerberus last night with friends but we never made it past wave 8. It's doable but we were trying it on harder maps.. Still starting wave 6 you get so many phantoms attacking you pretty much need someone with stasis to have a chance... As for Reavers Gold, I have never tried it nor found anyone crazy enough to want to do it.. ( I guess if everyone had high rocket count it would be doable...)
Although as people get more of the rare weapons and start getting upgrades for those things will become easier..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !