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Sega thinks Sonic is a "Perfect Fit" for the Wii U

The rumour about Sonic Dimensions on the Wii U may have been a hoax, but Takashi Iizuka, the producer of Sonic, believes the franchise is a “perfect fit” for the system. He also seemed confident in the potential of the platform, sharing that:

"The Wii was an extremely successful platform. It was totally global. It went into the families that maybe would not have picked up a home console before. It created that living room experience with families, and it had great success. Now, adding the controller, and in a sense upgrading the Wii, it has got potential to further that and increase its customer base."

And while he doesn’t provide any details, he feels the Wii U is “applicable to Sonic”, but they are still thinking of how they “will apply using the controller to Sonic”. But at least they are thinking about it.