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bonkers555 said:
Why would anybody buy a CoD game for the Vita to play multiplayer when you can get a PS3/360 version for $10.00 more. You need to be home to play both version why not get the version where you can play on a bigger screen?

This coming from me a BIG CoD fan.

 I totally agree. I expect COD Vita to focus on something else then online multiplayer tbh, most likely some sort of ah-hoc coop or something. It'd be cool like, playing Zombies with some totally randoms when I've got 30 minutes to kill or something. I'm not totally sure but don't really get where it fits in with the whole series appeal. Mind you - tons of people buy COD for the single player only every year, and the sheer brand power it has on Vita will sell a lot. Even if it's not a totally smooth fit.