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Rath said:
Allfreedom99 said:
Rath said:
Allfreedom99 said:

defining personhood today is in debate as i see. Even if having a conscious defines a human as a person the human life that is developing in the womb will inevitably develop a conscious. It will inevitably be within the bounds of "personhood". a human life is human life whether its in its first stages in the womb or a 30 year old man. both have human DNA.

So if a fetus in the womb is a human being and will inevitably develop a conscious and be accepted into society as a "person" then what difference does it make if you end that life in the womb or as a 30 year old man?

The potential to have a consciousness in the future is not the same as having a consciousness in the present.

Also human DNA does not make something a person, a dead body also has human DNA.

I would still consider these as moot points. a dead body is gone. passed from life to death and will decay. a human in the womb consists of living cells developing as a human and a person in order to survive outside of the womb.

If we consider human life outside of the womb as having a right to live then one should also consider human life inside of a womb as having a right to live.

If you would consider me using a gun to blow the brains out of an individual who is unconscious or having no mental awareness right in front of your eyes to be a criminal act or murder then why isnt preventing a human being in the womb of a right to life a criminal act as well in your conscious?

As I said a person who is comatose has a consciousness, it's just kind of in standby mode.

A fetus does not have a consciousness at all.

still the life in the womb is a human being in development no matter any way you try to look at it. and by terminating that life one is ending a human life. So when it comes to abortion we always hear "oh its up to the mother to have the right to choose."

Its like saying, "since this human being does not yet have a concious and therefore does not have a voice to claim it has a right to live then we can justify killing it."

What real justification is there for ending the life of a human being in the womb? can you name one?