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Jumpin said:
I'm about as far left as they come; but seeing the argument "A fetus is essentially a parasite" is biologically incorrect; and the only reason that this argument exists is as a method to attempt to dehumanized a developing fetus), so it seems like it is not immoral to kill it. In reality, a human fetus is genetically a human being, and the womb exists to hold the developing fetus until it is ready for birth. So, if aborting a fetus, you are in fact executing a human being.

This is the question that should be asked; what circumstances makes it ok to grant the execution of developing human being?

Arguments about how abortion prevents crime are philosophically and scientifically unfounded. How is this logically the case? Do you have statistics to support that the aborted children would have been criminals? It could also be argued using the same logic that infanticide would lower crime.

I'd suggest reading freakanomics...

Outside that, all of them would have been criminals?


That a higher percentage of them would be criminals then the average populace?
