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It just came to me.

This is not a major one or one about sales but the vision just hit me.

I see a U.S. presidential candidate using Wii in a photo op, maybe at a prospective voter's house or at a public setting, in order to "humanize" themselves for public consumption.

For some reason I see Hillary Clinton doing it, don't know why.

At a photo op with supporters or with those hoped to be made into supporters a presidential candidate will play with the Wii.

It's gonna make a few rounds on the mass media airwaves like ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc.

Could be after Wii Fit comes out in the states.

Comedy Central's Daily Show will snark on the event.

And I see the woman of the house if at a house having reddish-brown curly hair.

Just putting it down now while the vision's still fresh for the record.

John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot