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@mjk45, yes it died when i was playing monster hunter portable 3 hd version, i had about 100hrs into it too.
just playing my psvita, while i am developing my company's games. i am so impressed with the psvita , that we are gonna make 2 additional psvita games now. that puts the game creation count at 7 games. hoping to now release 2 psvita games this year, and the others between march 2013 and june 2014.
i am also gonna create a mmorpg for the psvita as well, its something that i am so excited about.

I ,don't know how you do it I can't think of any independent studios doing so much even valve have no more than a couple of games going at once and even if some of your seven are only in the planning stage it's one hell of a pipeline.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot