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badgenome said:
Mr Khan said:

The last point i think is important, it's that Conviction > Objectivity on the right. You don't need to know anything about a given topic, you simply need to have faith, to have conviction, similar to George W. Bush who "knew" that going into Iraq was the right thing to do, or similar to Sarah Palin, who (it is increasingly clear from people who worked with the woman) knew dangerously little about anything and seemed to be damn proud of it, and when people point out that this is bad, as it is, she and her supporters accuse them of being elitist.

This part in particular made me laugh after we just found out that Obamacare is going to cost roughly double what the CBO originally projected. When the right pointed out that the numbers were being gamed, the left stuck its fingers in its collective ears and said, "LALALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU, RACIST SCUM!" The left is either just as stupid as the right, or they're just infinitely more intellectually dishonest. Or, hey, why not both?

There is a difference between gross costs and net costs.