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saxophonehero said:
killerzX said:


Lol, I'm not sure what i found so shockingly inaccurrate, the video or your your response. LBJ was definitely in support of the Civil Right Act, he did more for the Civil Right movement than any other President.

actually before he was president, he was the majority leader of the senate, where he actually blocked civil rights legislation. he was actually one of the biggest OPPONENTS of civil rights before he was president, when he figured out he could exploit the civil rights for political purposes. he figured out he could permently get the black votin block by passing this legislation, keep them dependent on the democrats, and they will continuelly rely on the dems and vote for them. i think LBJ was once quoted as saying after the passage of civil rights, "this will keep the n*ggers voting democrat for the next hundred years"

This can be seen with the Civil Right Act and the Voting Rights Act. There is all lies in your statement and i want to see proof of so called percentages. Actually what ended up happening was that as a result of this new found shift of racial justice within the Democratic Party, is what led to the shift of many southern racists like Strom Thurmond to shift from the Democratic party to the Republican Party.  My problem with the video is that despite there is some truth in what he says he neglects to acknowledge the shifts within the parties. The democratic and Republican Parties of today are nothing like they were before. The Republican party of Lincoln time were sympanthizers to the blacks but their main goal was not to end slavery, they were abolitionist whose main goal was to restrict slavery within its current states or to even out every new slave state with a free state. These republicans were more concerned by not getting out numbered by  thier opponents then trying to stop slavery. While i admit the Democrat party did originate from some racist backgrounds it is so not the party it once was. As poster in the picture the Democratic party took a turn for the better into what it is now with the transition brought on by JFK and LBJ in th 1960. So the Democratic party does have a racist history, but if you look at the present the people who are in support of neoconfederatism are more likely to be apart the Republican party based on the fact that those sanctions of people have shifted to that party in the past fifty years.

BTW- in my opinion Hitler and his socialist Nazi party were actually pretty brilliant (minus the whole anti-semantic actions) in bringing a country out a humongous debt and giving people work and establishing a working class again. People seems to always associate the negate the socialist idea because of this fiasco but it isn't as bad everyone makes it seems.