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happydolphin said:
Kasz216 said:
happydolphin said:
Kasz216 said:
Khuutra said:
Ajescent said:
I agree, too many games rely on muscle bound soldier types armed to the teeth with misogyny and machoism, once in a while I like my games to be weapons free.

That isn't what he's saying, he says game mechanics in general get in the way of storytelling, he's just using shooter gameplay as an example.

Which is essentially saying that a game is getting in the way of making his game an animated movie.

That's not at all what he was intending to say. If you read his interview too literally, you will read that he does not like game mechanics, but if you read between the lines, you'll see that he's actually trying to say that he doesn't like traditional game mechanics, in that it's a set action scheme from the get-go. He'd like to see more variety, more context-driven actions (maybe like Conker for instance?)

Conker?  Not sure what you mean.

Though I know what he means.  He wants games to be Visual novels.

Visual novels aren't really games.  They're interactive movies... because they hold far more in common with movies then games.

Also, there are a decent number of them.  They're just mostly PC only and never leave Japan.

No, that's not it! Think of it more, broaden your spectrum. He's thinking of using your environment much more to perform actions, use the surrounding objects to your purposes.

Maybe conquer was a bad example, but I am short of ideas.

Here's a scene where conquer drinks beer, and when has been loaded enough, he can piss on dancing boulders to move them. These actions are limited only to this segment of the game and are never reused. He may be referring to something like this.

Now I've never played shenmue, but something tells me he's asking for something like Shemue.

I think your just reading into what YOU want him to be saying, if you think he's thinking about a game like Conkers bad Fur Day or Shenmue.

I mean, look at the games he makes and refrences.


If he just means action, he's the one that needs to broden his horizens, as there are tons of games that don't focus on action.

For example, a personal favorite of mine.  Aerobiz Supersonic.  (Or just Aerobiz.)

Or the Football Manager Simulator games... etc.