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theprof00 said:
Roma said:
lol again with the 600 dollar rumor that does not exist! its just a placeholder, how hard is that to understand?

anywho they will do fine, maybe not as much as the Wii in the end.

I predict a 60m+ units sold.

but will the system be as great as the SNES?

I don’t know I need to check my crystal balls…..


Hmmmm yes I see success in one of them and the other one shows me failure. Oh wait that’s Pachter being wrong in his prediction.

So yeah Pachter being wrong and success in one of them = SSNESGR+ = Successful SNES Generation Repeat

For me the Wii has had the best games yet so will it beat the Wii? Yes I think so


PS: never had SNES

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(