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spurgeonryan said:

You treat my thread well so I will treat you well.


Pach-Attack - Nintendo to 'Dreamcast themselves' with Wii U


Lol, now he seems to slowly be changing his mind. Says a lot of the bad game companies are gone now. 7-9 million dollars to make a smaller game he says?


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Dude, I'm really starting to get sick of this imbecile. It was somewhat amusing for a while
that someone could be so damn stupid, but it's starting to get on my nerves. I hope WiiU is
the best selling system of all time purely to prove what an idiot he is. Maybe then he might
finally lose his job, but I doubt it. 

    I'm 95% certain Pachter really doesn't give a shovel about the gaming industry with those
    comments.Sometimes I get the feeling, he is trying to convince the investors not to buy nintendo
    stock on purpose cuz he wants nintendo to fail personally.
    The reason why the Dreamcast happened was that it was the end of a long line in gigantic
    failures on Sega's part:-

    #1 - The Game Gear - A portable device that was a terrible portable device.
    #2 - The Sega CD - An overpriced add-on that, while offering the future of gaming, ultimately
         did nothing for the Gensis platform
    #3 - The 32X - Dead before it released, again, did nothing for the Genesis platform
    #4 - The Saturn. Overpriced and too complicated to develop for, the Saturn was blown out of the
         water by the Playstation mere months after it came out unexpectedly at E3 1995.
    #5 - The Dreamcast. What killed it? The PS2 mostly. The lack of a DVD player also helped, along
         with no 3rd party support since Sega couldn't sustain the system by itself.

    Now, if you want to say what blunders Nintendo are from Pachter's perspective, it's thus:
    #1 - Not releasing Wii HD in 2009
    #2 - Not releasing Wii HD in 2010
    #3 - Not releasing Wii HD in 2011
    #4 - Not releasing 3DS above $250
    #5 - Not releasing Wii U as next gen

    Getting desperate to be right and thinks he is brilliant