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RolStoppable said:
VicViper said:
Michael-5 said:

Excellent point, but I still like to think the PSV has a chance.

I don't think the 3DS can match DS's sales given that it's already selling at an affordable and reasonable price, and that 5 years down the road, those PS2/GCN level graphics might not be enough.


Also PSV has PS3 to be with for now.

I don't think the reasons are those you said... maybe a little bit, but the most important reason of why 3ds doesn't have a chance to outsell DS is piracy. I can't even imagine the amount of DSs that were sold due to piracy. In my country, almost all. And 3ds lacks this "selling power".

The 3DS's life isn't set in stone yet. There are many ways to improve its sales. Redesigns, colors, special editions, new IPs, established IPs the DS never had, merging the 3DS's and Wii's Virtual Console, officially launching the system in more countries. I also doubt that the system will be forever safe from pirates.

Price and processing power really shouldn't be obstacles. The DS sold at the same price for years (even raised it later on in its life) and cutting edge graphics aren't required for handheld gaming (otherwise the DS would have tanked).

Yes I know, all those factors will help a lot - especially redesign, which I have a lot of faith - even if people will bitch like never before when they see no 2nd analog pad. But I think piracy levels on consoles are becoming harder and harder by the day to a point of irelevancy - it'll be too hard to pirate to bother - like on the ps3. The DS was probably hacked on its launch week and even a 8 year kid could do it.

The only way to overcome this is to believe the conspiracy theories that manufacturers simply turn off a switch and allow piracy at some point in a system's life time, but I just don't think that's true.