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happydolphin said:
o_O.Q said:

not necessairly it all depends on your preference, zelda and metroid have been done in the past with analogue controls... so its up to the individual to determine which control scheme is best for them

in one situation one says motion controls

"Skyward Sword and Prime 3 would most likely have been inferior on PS360 due to being handcuffed to dual analogue controls"

and the other says analogue controls

You really don't have any clue what you're talking about. :) Not for Zelda Skyward Sword that's for sure.

Jay was bang on. Skyward sword, to be the game it truly was, required full Motion+ support. The combat would have been a completely different thing without it. The boss battles would have had an entirely different architecture. Most ennemies would have had completely different attack/defense designs.

If you're talking about TP, you're right it can be mapped to analog. But not Skyward Sword. I'll give you but one example:

Beamos are multilayered totem-pole like objects that are made up of different electrified parts. These enemies can be defeated by slicing apart different sections of their body. The beamos will shoot out a laser beam from its eye, but this attack can be deflected using the shield.

   Read More about Beamos at the Zelda Dungeon Wiki.

The whole ennemy walkthrough you can find here:

" Skyward sword, to be the game it truly was, required full Motion+ support. The combat would have been a completely different thing without it."

uh yeah... that was my point exactly, some people would have prefer not to have certain games "handcuffed" with motion controls just like how others would prefer not to have certain games "handcuffed" by analog controls

it all comes down to preference