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dharh said:

Until iOS or android gets a game i'm interested in, no dice, and so far there have been no exclusives good enough to justify gaming on a phone or tablet instead of my PSV/PSP.

I dislike the idea of not getting a dedicated controller, but at least with the iPhone stuff like this is possible. Though id much prefer a direct from apple/HTC/samsung provider. So I _could_ handle it, but it seems severly limiting, not to mention battery life issues when you combine gaming and phone into one unit with _todays_ battery tech.

Gaming on a tablet seems worse. It too would need physical buttons for me to take it seriously, and even in that case most tablets are too big for me to consider it for mobile gaming, so id then prefer to just play a home console.

I think it is too soon. At least another year or two before phones can be reliably used by _everyone_ as both a heavy gaming device and a heavy phone device, retain the thinness most people expect these days, and have peripherals heavy gamers will want.

I am extremely skeptical of tablet gaming. Most likely it would boil down to being _docked_ into a unit so you could use your TV and a wireless controller to play. I accept this only because who wouldn't want to use the already impressive computing power. Outside of that use, casual players that like angry birds and other flick and finger use type games will probably be ok with sitting on the couch with their tablet to play games. Heavy gamers will expect a better experience.

I don't know about Android/Windows tablets, but for the iPad you don't need to be docked if you have an Apple TV. With that you can use Airplay to play content wirelessly from an iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch on your TV. Games included.

One of my favorite games requires a touch screen (unless you play it at an arcade) and I played it all the time on my iPad. Jubeat Plus (Jukebeat Plus outside of Japan).

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"