By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. Close I did find the part about pushing MS to go with 512mb of RAM to be very interesting. Every 360 gamer should thank them for that, even with 512 the RAM still seems like the biggest thing holding back the 360 (and the PS3) as opposed to PC's. A 360 with 256mb would have been a very less capable machine than the 360 we know today and would have really hurt multiplatform (360/PS3/PC) games for everybody 360 owner or not.

XBL: WiiVault Wii: PM me  PSN: WiiVault

PC: AMD Athlon II Quadcore 635 (OC to 4.0ghz) , ATI Radeon 5770 1GB (x2)

MacBook Pro C2D 2.8ghz, 9600m GT 512 iMac: C2D 2.0, X2600XT 256