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I do not agree. Epic is insane yes they are pushing graphics which is amazing but they do not think from a business perspective. They said the bare basics to run Samaritan would be ten times the 360's power. Are they mad? That kind of power is far to expensive for any of the three to logically support this year. Next year it would still be a stretch.

Crytek and SquareEnix and almost every other major company making engines these engines are supposedly future proof and don't require nearly as much power.

Fact the new engine from Crytek is far more powerful then current high end PC's are doing. The engine is supposedly going to run on all three platforms.

The high Dev costs that will come with 10x the power is going to be through the roof. THQ stated a leap forward like last generation would cost three to four times as much to develop and software retail costs would have to be around 100$. Other publishers have commented that Dev costs would be severe if we leap forward like this.

Epic cost Microsoft a billion dollars I wonder if really changed the possible outcome.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer