superchunk said: This NOT a iPad gaming vs Vita gaming or which is better for games comparison. I am showing the comparison as further support for my argument on why Vita should have been a smarthone. Please read the text below the table for better understanding.
Take a real good look at those differences. The new iPad is releasing a mere couple of months after Sony's premier handheld and its pretty much at par with every spec if not better in some areas. Overall the only real difference in relation to gaming is iPad's lack of controls and its $200 higher price tag. However, given its far wider mass appeal and capabilities, people will spend the money on it FAR more than they will on the Vita. Now, taking this into consideration. My THREAD ON VITA SHOULD BE A SMARTPHONE makes a lot more sense doesn't it? Think about it. Vita with FULL smartphone/tablet capabilites also running Android with its apps AND the even better pricing due to carrier contracts or same price off contract... it would be flying off shelves right now and selling for a profit without any accessories. Hell, they could have built in 16GB of storage and used regular SD cards for expansion as security could be handled on the units storage. Sony fucked up and only the 3DS will be long-term success this time around due to far cheaper price and Nintendo software. |
Considering the fact that tablet and smartphone games are cheap, developpers won't spend a big budget so they can't do better graphic than PSVita.
Smartphone and Tablet can"t compeate with handheld in gaming domain.
PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m
Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m