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I am waiting to see how much effort Sony places on this new handheld. If they don't give it the right amount of attention, then I'm never going to buy it. Recently, they seem to be doing everything half-way, and I'm not going to give them my money anymore until they really get their act together and optimize the software for their gadgets. I just hope they decide to copy Apple in two things, 1. Making sure that their hardware is open and easy to develop by independent game developers & software engineers. & 2. Optimize the hell out of the gadget. (My PS3 still has a shit web browser, can't play MKV, Flac, files and they want me to pay for new hardware?! Hell no. Give people what they want Sony, and I'm sure high demand will follow.

I strongly believe that many people don't trust Sony products to deliver on unique experiences anymore, but they believe that Nintendo & Apple can and that is why their is higher demand for those devices.

The IPad3 and PSVita may have similar specs, but I think people are not looking at that, they instead are weighing on which company will provide them with the best user-friendly interface that will keep them connected to their web/gaming & social life. (This of-course doesn't apply to core gamers who only want to play video games; however, it is my believe that core gamers that want a cheap handhelds are blinded by past experiences. Once they discover the right gadget that will let them do everything that they want to do & play their favorite video games, they won't care for the price, They will find some way to buy it.)