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RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:
Why does everyone suddenly think Vita needs a price drop simply because the 3ds had one?
It's like everyone gets their business lessons from Nintendo.

Wait for them to release some more games and then let's see how it does.

There's nothing meaningful in the pipeline until... October?

Then again, no price drop would accelerate the failure, so by all means it should be done as you say.

Like persona 4 in june and little busters this month?

little big planet and silent hill in us at end of this month, MLB:the show, unit 13, and motorstorm 2 days ago?


Persona and little busters are going to slam the japanese market.
The other games won't be doorbusters but they will do quite well on their own.

And the announcement of what is sure to be new monster hunter and tomorrow?


But sure, keep throwing logs into the fire. It's more entertaining that way.