Mmmfishtacos said: iPad, is not a gaming device. People don't want a gaming phone all in one device. I own a vita an iPhone and an iPad 2. I only play games on one. One never gets used. Can you guess witch one it is? iPad is more of an oh wow device, people want it and their not sure why. I bought mine thinking it would be nice to have, but it isn't. If you own an iPhone you already have an iPad. So it's pointless. My vita is slowly taking over, a few more apps and I'll sell every apple device I have, go back to a 15 dollar a month phone and be happy. Biggest troll tread I've read in awhile. Your views are skewed. |
Really, you never use it? I play my 3ds a lot, but I was still using my iPad 1 all the time up until I sold it last month. I've been missing having it around the past 2 weeks. I'm glad the new one was announced and I just ordered a wifi iPad to replace it. My girlfriend plays her 3ds/PSP a lot as well, but still uses her iPad the most.
starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."
Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"