I'm sorry but you're comparing apples to oranges (no pun intended). The fact of the matter is that its obviously common knowledge that any apple tablet will outsell the ps vita at this point in time. The reason for this is that each device serves a different purpose. The purpose of the new ipad is to be a full mobile entertainment system, whose chief concern is duplicate pc like functions on the device. While the PS Vita is also a mobile entertainment system whose chief concern revolves around the market of gaming. This is why details concerning the gaming aspect of each device is far more superior to on PSV. So this brings me to state that the reasoning for thr possible success of the new iPad and the lack of success of PSV are not related in nature because, for the most part they attract two different crowds. The bulk of people who buy these iPads main concern is not gaming by any means, unlike a psv consumer. While i do believe you had some good intention when posting this, i must say that the PSV being transformed into some smartphone doesn't make any sense. Despite what you might think the adaption of changing the device into a smartphone would detract the full functional of the device for hardcore gaming. Not to mention how hard it will be for Sony to get and sell their product on each of the major cell phone carriers. Also as so many people have added, this equates into a horrible battery life and smartphones already have a horrible battery without a gaming device that equates to about 3 hours of battery life at this moment. Also remember a big chunk of the portable gaming market are kids, that are either too young or too irresponsible to own a phone of that magnitude. Also you may want to take into account the number of people who don't use the phone carrier(s) of Sony's choice for the hypothetical phone which would lead to a extreme lack of sales of such a phone. In conclusion, I'm sorry if my ideas are jumbled and filled with errors, but overall i must say that these reasons just equates to the PSV being better off as is (a gaming device) than as a smartphone.
P.S.-The PSV is not dead by any means, at least not at this point, at least wait for the console to develop a library of games first and some major flaws, before you begin crying wolf about the console's doomness.