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Because I do.

Not that there's a problem with VGChartz or anything. It's an awesome site & community and I have a good time when I'm here. It's just that I noticed that when I get on here, I never do anything valuable or productive in my real life for the entire day. I don't know. It seems like a giant waste of time. Whenever I post a comment on here, I always look over to my notebook and think "I should be doing homework right now" or "I should go work out". It seems like VGChartz is sucking my life away. 

My mom even called me a troll (not the internet troll, a real troll) one day for lurking this site for so many consecutive hours. In some ways, she is right. I do lurk this site too long. Even when there's no current active thread that interests me. I sometimes found myself constantly refreshing the hot topics page for something interesting to pop up. And if nothing interesting happens to pop up, I'll just pick a random thread and make myself interested in it so I can have a reason to post in it. What the fuck happened to me? How did I ever reach such a low point in my life? It's depressing, really. I have a serious problem.

And why do I do it? I honestly don't know. Spending hours a day making these threads, creating & perfecting my posts, stalking other people's walls, etc. For what? For some people who I'm not even sure I like, on the other side of the world, who might not even log in again after today. What sense does that make. What's my motivation behind the time I spend here? I don't know.

Sometimes I wish I never found this site, my life would be a lot simpler I think. I'd be focused on school, sports, my social life, and everything else that's important in life. But then, I think about all the good times I've had on here, and all the interesting people I've met on here, and I tell myself that finding VGChartz was the greatest thing I've ever done on the internet. That one dude's on here is hilarious! I'm glad I met him. I don't know. I have mixed feelings about this site right now.

Please forgive my unorganized structure. This is just me throwing my thoughts there.
