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So, another iPad. Let's compare...

- resolution
- online connection capabilities

- GPU (at least overally)
- storage size (depends on the model/card size)

- controls
- games library (Vita will get a lot of serious games. iOS still doesn't have enough really good games despite all the time it exists. I ain't counting shovelware, one-buck-timewasters, etc)
- lack of physical game media (at least for me - I use DD pretty much and often, but it never will replace physical games/media completely for me)

And who will actually use all the potential of iPad's hardware in games? Especially if it being changed/updated pretty fast (annually). So, I see Epic Games, id Software and maybe a couple of other developers... but who else?

I don't see this thing as a proper gaming device. I just don't see it. Maybe next iPad or something else... but I doubt, to be honest.